Pulp and paper  

Paper remains indispensable, even in the electronic age. When making pulp and processing it further to get paper, large flows of media must be routed through the individual production steps in a defined time sequence. SAMSON has the right control technology for this field.

We supply control valves to regulate the fibrous flow of the raw materials and the flow of vapor, which is used as the energy transfer fluid. Our products ensure efficient processes during the mechanical and chemical treatment of the pulp. Thanks to their high control accuracy, the fresh water required for the processes is used economically and waste water treatment does not burden the environment or resources.

In the paper machines, our products are involved in the entire steam and condensate system, the exact control of the basis weight and humidity profile as well as the optimum drying of the paper webs. Innovative valve accessories, such as our smart SAMSON positioners positioners for integral attachment, ensure the safe exchange of data in the process and allow for predictive maintenance.